Significance and role of the vakuf in the development of Islamic doctrine today


  • Sulejman Mašović, dr.


The author points out the deeper significance of the vakuf in the development of Islamic doctrine, that is in the religious, social and economic thought of Islam. In the regulations of Kuran a. š. that ask for a harmony of the spiritual and material, the vakuf had a significant historical role, especially in establishing, developing and supporting numerous religious, educational and social needs. Sometimes the vakuf was the founder of new towns. The greatest Islamic religious and cultural building came into existance through vakufs. In the Sheriat Law the vakuf has a place that needs to be developed in contemporary conditions. In our country the vakuf also had significant role, and Gazi Husref-beg was a special genius who not only founded many significant buildings on the basis of which Sarajevo was developed, but was the first who with his ideas in his vakufnamas, pointed out the significant areas of education and social care for various groups of citizens.

It obligates us study more deeply his personality, contribution and significance, and to preserve his vakuf, and to advance it by various means of revitalization. New vakufs should be stimulated in various ways within the Islamic Community, and separately for the purpose of founding and advancing new mosques and other religious institutions. It is necessary to found a Gazi Husref-beg Fund for schoolarship for pupils and students at religious schools.



How to Cite

Mašović, S. (1983). Significance and role of the vakuf in the development of Islamic doctrine today. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 6(9-10), 121–128. Retrieved from


