Iğāzatnamas in Manuscript Collections in Sarajevo


  • Hamza Kurtanović




iğāzatnama, iğāza, sanad, regesta, manuscript


This paper represents a continuation of the broader cataloguing description of iğāzatnamas in the manuscripts at Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library in Sarajevo, the Historical Archives of Sarajevo, the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation, and the Oriental Institute in Sarajevo. It is well worth mentioning that this is the third paper that deals with this topic in the Annals of Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library. Prior to this work, Haso Popara in his paper „Iğāzatnamas in the Manuscripts of Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library” covered 63 iğāzatnamas from the manuscript collection of Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library with a brief cataloguing description, while in the previous issue of the Annals of Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library, iğāzatnamas from the Collection of Ottoman Documents of Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library were discussed in the paper „Iğāzatnamas in the Collection of Ottoman Documents of Gazi Husrev-beg Library’s in Sarajevo”. With this paper, we complete this very important topic from our cultural heritage. Along with the previous works, this paper should be treated as a starting point, where, in addition to cataloguing clarity, future researchers of the cultural-historical heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina can find information that delves beneath the surface, and such information, analytically prepared and arranged, can be easily incorporated into broader and thematically more precise research. In this paper, we have maintained the same methodology for presenting iğāzatnamas as practiced in previous works. We have omitted introductory considerations as they have been thoroughly addressed in previous papers pertaining to this topic. For easier navigation through the paper, we have not listed the manuscript catalogues of the institutions, whose manuscript collections we are discussing, in footnotes but have provided them at the end. The paper presents ten iğāzatnamas from the manuscript collection of Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library, followed by thirteen from the Historical Archives of Sarajevo, thirteen from the National and University Library, five from the Bosniak Institute, and three from the Oriental Institute in Sarajevo. They are arranged chronologically within each of the mentioned institutions.



How to Cite

Kurtanović, H. . (2023). Iğāzatnamas in Manuscript Collections in Sarajevo. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 30(44), 5–40. https://doi.org/10.51719/25663267.2023.30.44.5