On the Track of an Old Photograph - Mudarris and Students of the Madrasa at Cazin in 1905


  • Elvir Duranović




the Cazin Madrasa, Rudolf Bruner-Dvořák, Sejfulah-effendi Proho, madrasa students, a photograph from 1905


The reason for writing this paper is a photograph of the Cazin Madrasa from 1905 by the Czech photographer, Rudolf Bruner-Dvořák, which shows the then mudarris Sejfulah-effendi Proho and students. At the beginning of the work, the author writes about the foundation and work of the Cazin Madrasa towards the end of the 19th century and in the early 20th century, enriching hitherto known data by collecting new ones from the archives of Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library. Archival materials give an insight into the educational process in this madrasa, the subjects that were studied by year, biographies of mudarrises, but also a clearer picture of the oscillations in the number of the madrasa students, caused by war and post-war circumstances, which led to the discontinuation of education at the madrasa in 1920. The paper continues with the author’s focus on two key segments of the photograph: the mudarris and the madrasa students in 1905. Considering that a considerable amount of material has been published on mudarris Sejfulah-effendi Proho and his works in the Bosnian language, the author focuses on his work at the Cazin Madrasa and the influence he had on Islamic educational opportunities in Bosanska Krajina at the beginning of the 20th century. Based on the archives of the Cazin Madrasa, kept in Gazi Husrev-beg’s Library, and the material published in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian studies of Islam, the author presented the students from Bruner-Dvořák’s photo from 1905 at the end of the paper, giving their names, surnames and basic biographies.



How to Cite

Duranović, E. (2022). On the Track of an Old Photograph - Mudarris and Students of the Madrasa at Cazin in 1905. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 29(43), 269–296. https://doi.org/10.51719/25663267.2022.29.43.269


