The public legal recognition of Islam in the States on the Yugoslav territory after end of Ottoman rule


  • Fikret Karčić, dr.


After the cessation of the Turkish rule in Yugoslav regions the public legal recognition of Islam took place within the regulation of the general status of Muslim population upon the establishment of the new governmental and legal system. Islam got the status of the legally recognized religion, which meant the right of its adherents to the public profession of Islamic teachings, the performance of religious rites as well as their grouping into the religious community.
The concrete legal form in which the legal recognition was given to Islam was dependent on the cirtumsances of the historical position and the governmental structure of each particular Yugoslav State. Essentially, two ways of the recognition of Islam were noticeable: either Islam was recognized only as the religion (in Slovenia, Dalmatia, Croatia and Slavonia under the Austro-Hungarian domination) or it was recognized together with certain branches of Islamic law which were applied by religious officials (muftis) or State Shari'a judges (in Bosnia & Herzegovina under the Austro-Hungarian administration, Serbia and Montenegro).
When the first united State of Yugoslav people was founded in 1918, Islam continued being one of the religions confirmed and accepted by law since it had already been legally recognized on the Yugoslav territory (art. 12 of the Constitution of June 28, 1921). By law of January 31, 1930, the new State made it possible for Muslims to establish their United Muslim religious community.
The public legal recognition of Islam in the States on the Yugoslav territory was a very important factor in the process of the social integration of the Muslim population and in their religious and cultural life after the cessation of the Turkish rule.



How to Cite

Karčić, F. (1985). The public legal recognition of Islam in the States on the Yugoslav territory after end of Ottoman rule. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 7(11-12), 113–120. Retrieved from


