Treatise on the virtue of collective prayer « by Hadži Mustafa Pruščak


  • Muharem Omerdić, mr.


Great interest appeared rećently concerning research into the literary inheritance of Hadži Mustafa Pruščak, a famous scholar and the mufti of Prusac who died 1755.
As well as the translation of his work »Treatise on the Virtue of Collective Prayer«, some legends about him circoulate even nowadays among the residents of his native place. These legends are presented here too.
This work, here translated and supplied with rich comments, is of considerable significance. It reveals Pruščak' s inclinations toward the writing of popular texts understandable to the widest social layers of the Muslim population. The copy used here is the original manuscript preserved at the Gazi Husrev-beys Library.

The work is written in the form of a legal treatise with the elements of a sermon concerning the virtues of collective prayer. It is evident from the text that the author referred a wide choice of literature.



How to Cite

Omerdić, M. (1987). Treatise on the virtue of collective prayer « by Hadži Mustafa Pruščak. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 8(13-14), 68–84. Retrieved from


