Valuation of services in Gazi Husrev-bey's vakuf


  • Fejzulah Hadžibajrić, prof.


Gazi Husrev-beys vakuf in Sarajevo is based on three endowments (testaments = vakufnamas). The first of 1531. and the later of 1537. The original Arabic text of these vakufnamas and the Serbo-Croatian transactions are quoted in the Commemorative volume of Gazi Husrev-beys 400 anniversary, Sarajevo 1932. In these vakufnamas are citied the related institutions, all Services are represented and valuated, and all property quoted. The managing of vakuf and court and State supervision is detailed. Conditions and education of the candidates for employment are given in some cases in detail.

The existence and work of the mosque, model themselves upon the Emperor's mosque, and the list of Services is the same. Nothing is out of date. In the text of the vakufnama for Gazi Husrev-beys medresa it is stressed that new knowledge is to be included into the curriculum. There are quoted 42 Services and the value of every Service is determined. From 400th anniversary till the 450th anniversary (1932-1982) only two officers remained: one recitator of the Kur'an (džuzhan) and one recitator with tesbih (musebbih). Gazi Husrev-beys vakuf is today a part of the Management of the Islamic Community for B&H, Croatia and Slovenia in Sarajevo, which follows and supervises its work and life.




How to Cite

Hadžibajrić, F. (1983). Valuation of services in Gazi Husrev-bey’s vakuf. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 6(9-10), 321–326. Retrieved from


