Gazi Husrev-bey's medresa for girls in the period from 1933 till present-day


  • Nermina Jašarević


This work discusses the Gazi Husrev-beys Girl's Medresa in two periods, from 1933 till 1949 and from 1978 till present day, giving data for both periods. It has been difficult to find authentic data about the period 1933-49, because a great many of the files have been lost. Many of these documents are to be found in the files of the Ulema medžlis, but only after they have been set in order.

Tabular statisticals about pupils and the names of places they come from show great interest in the school.
Because of the subjects taught at the Medresa, the pupils who completed it could to enroll any faculty. It was because the will of the wakif has been respected: »In Medresa should be taught also that which custom and the place demand«.

The teaching staff in the Medresa were mostly teachers who lectured also in the Boy's Medresa.
The Gril's Gazi Husrev-bey's Medresa of today is considerably different in everything from the previous one, e. g. in its excellent working conditions, its organizastion of living of the pupils, because they are almost all boarders while in the previous medresa only the pupils who were not from Sarajevo boarded. Boarding provides the same conditions in education and upbringing and the same conditions of work.
The Girl's Medresa had a significant role in maintaining islamic thought and therefore it deserves further study.



How to Cite

Jašarević, N. (1983). Gazi Husrev-bey’s medresa for girls in the period from 1933 till present-day. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 6(9-10), 281–290. Retrieved from


