Gazi Husrev-bey's mederesa in the Ottoma-Turkish school system


  • Omer Nakićević, dr.


The total system of education as it was in the Arab world was transferred for the most part to the non-Arab territories of the Islamic world, especially after the example of the Nisamia school at Baghdad. So there came into existence a whole series of schools in Ottoman Turkey. The popularity of these schools was diminished by the building of the »Sahni seman« school (eight schools) in Istanbul. This school became the model for the schools later built in the Ottoman Turkey. In this study and comparison we notice that the curriculum of the Gazi Husrev-beys medresa contained all subjects that were studied at the Sahnu school, as the highest educational institution of Ottoman Turkey, that the incomes of the employed personal et Gazi Husrev-beys mederesa were in the range of the personal incomes of the staff at the Sahnu (50 akči daily) and that the number of rooms available for at Gazi Husrev-beys medresa approaches one of the eight Sahn school.

Those who completed their studies at Gazi Husrev-beys medresa had to pass through supplementary school at Sahn or Sulejmania, if they wanted to continue their education at these two high schools. After completion of these schols they had the right to be appointed at schools of 20 akči daily, or in the judiciary, the administration or to advance according to the fixed order.



How to Cite

Nakićević, O. (1983). Gazi Husrev-bey’s mederesa in the Ottoma-Turkish school system. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 6(9-10), 241–262. Retrieved from


