One Bosnian-Turkish Alhamiado manuscript


  • Alija Nametak


Ibrahim Užičanin wrote a book about the orthography of Bosnian (Serbo-Croatian) language using Arabic-Turkish letters. The book is still in manuscript. The
title of the manuscript in Turkish languasge is: „Bosnakca ve sair lisanlara yazabilir Elif-bai bosnevi”, and the other title at the same page is: „Primer for Bosnian
language”. The manuscript is kept in Austrian National Library in Vienna under the bookmark Mixt 1676. We have not any data about Ibrahim Užičanin. His principle, in
writing this book was that every sound should have its letter.The manuscript contains instructions and four chapters of text: health protection, religious law, ritualism and approved and blameworthy features. The text of 64 pages is mixed by Bosnian and Turkish language and it was written after the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary 1878. That is evident by Germanisms which were not in usage during the Turkish rule.



How to Cite

Nametak, A. (1982). One Bosnian-Turkish Alhamiado manuscript. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 5(7-8), 177–190. Retrieved from


