The title engraved at the candlesticks of Kizlar-aga mosque at Mrkonjić Grad


  • Salih Trako, prof.ef.


In this article a title engraved at the candlesticks of Kizlar-aga mosque at Mrkonjić Grad is presented in original and in original and in translation. This mosque is the only, till nowadays, preserved building of the rich waqf of Kizlar-aga Mustafa by the end of the XVIth century, who was the third figure, by rank, in the Imperial court at Istanbul. Being the imperial kizlar-aga (person entrusted with the organization of Sultan’s court) Mustafa-aga founded a rich waqf institution in his native village Gornja Kloka (now Mrkonjić Grad) in Bosnia, aiming at faster economic and cultural growth of that place. He bequeathed there the following institutions: mosque, mekteb (Muslim elementary school), Karavansaraj (with 20 rooms for overnight stay of travelers and traders), 24 shops, bakery, a certain number of books and 59.040 akches for the salaries of waqf employees and 615.060 for the circulation with 10% profit a year to be used for the meintenance of the buildings.

By imperial edict from the last decade of the month Safer 998 (30 XII 1589 - 5 I 1590) the village Gornja Kloka was declared as Kasaba - small town, with the title Novo Jajce (Yaytse Yenicesi, Yenice-i Yaytse or Yaytse-i cedid). A week market day was on Friday and for the settlers there tax benefits were provided. With waqfnama (whose transcription is kept in Gazi Husrev-beg Library in Sarajevo) and cadastral notebooks (photocopies of cadastral notebooks from Bašbakanlik Aršivi at Istanbul which are kept in Oriental Institute at Sarajevo), this title represents also a written source not only for this waqf but also for the candlesticks as the original and rare structures of the inventory of the one of the oldest and famous mosques.



How to Cite

Trako, S. (1982). The title engraved at the candlesticks of Kizlar-aga mosque at Mrkonjić Grad. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 5(7-8), 155–160. Retrieved from


