State of sacral and educational objects in Sarajevo diversed during the time of Eugen Savojski war campaign


  • Zejnil Fajić


This paper presents two documents in Turkish language dealing with the State of
sacral and educational buildings in Sarajevo, destroyed during the invasion of Eugen
Savojski in 1697. The first document is taken from the Cronicle of Muhamed-Enveri
Kadić, vol. V, p. 45-52, and the second one is a separate document of Gazi Husrev-beg
Library No. D-3078. From the two documents we learn asbout destruction and tearing
down of Sarajevo by the invadors. Many useful informations about the town are given
in the two documents such as names of streets and mosques, mesjids, tekiyas,
medresas, their number, sources of income, names of employees and their salaries. The
first document is from 1112/1700 and the second one from 1115/1703.



How to Cite

Fajić, Z. (1982). State of sacral and educational objects in Sarajevo diversed during the time of Eugen Savojski war campaign. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 5(7-8), 89–108. Retrieved from


