The Islamic educational-instructive line of thought in the work of Mehmed bey Kapetanović Ljubušak


  • Munib Maglajlić, prof.dr.


Mehmed-bey Kapetanović (1839 - 1902), primarily known as the collector of works of oral tradition and translator of Oriental literature, was also active in educating the young in the Islamic špirit. This is evident, first of ali in the pamphlet Risalei ahlak and Avdija, the moral-instructive poem by Jusuf-bey Čengić. Although this work is not signed with his real narne, it is rightly attributed to Ljubušak. The instruction of young people in the spirit of Islamic upbringing whose goal was to show them the value of moral life, was indicated in proverbs which served to emphasize the author’s point. The later period of Ljubušak’ s work is characterized with this striving in the moral-instructive influence on young people. That is, for example, evident in the work on the supplements and in the printing of the poem Avdija by Jusuf-bey Čengić. Ali this even more supports the conviction that Ljubušak is the author of Risalei ahlak. Finally, the Islamic educational-instructive hne of thought is evident in the whole opus of Ljubušak in collections Folk Treasure and Eastem Treasure (I and II) and in the pamphlets What Do Mohammedans in Bosnia Think (1886) and Future or Progress of Mohammedans in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1893).




How to Cite

Maglajlić, M. (1996). The Islamic educational-instructive line of thought in the work of Mehmed bey Kapetanović Ljubušak. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 389–398. Retrieved from


