In the memory of Osman-efendija Redžović


  • Mirsad Mahmutović


Osman-efendija Redžović was one of those members of the Bosnian ulema, of whom we know little since he spent most of his life outside the big urban centers. His life, work and his scientific results deserve to be always remembered. He was one of the prominent members of the Bosnian ulema from the first half of the 19th century .
He was born in Strgačina, a little town situated in the region on the left side of the river Lim, between the towns of Rudo and Čajniče. He attended the medresa in Čajniče and then the Atmejdan medresa and the Darul- mu'allimin in Sarajevo. In 1913. he graduated from the Mektebi nuvab (Sharia-judicial school).
Atfer the completion of his formal education he worked in Tuzla, then in Sarajevo for a certain period, and in the period from 1928 to 1935 he lived in Smršnica (Korići) near Visoko, where he died in in 1935. This righteous and noble alim had, beside his exceptional knowledge also ali the attributes of a virtuous man. This paper mentions ali these charcteristics, and especially interesting are the narrations of his former students, in which they remember their teacher.



How to Cite

Mahmutović, M. (1996). In the memory of Osman-efendija Redžović. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 347–356. Retrieved from


