The atittude of the Bosnian ulema towards the reforms in the Ottoman empire in the XIX'th century


  • Fikret Karčić, dr.


Modem reforms of the government, legal, religious and military insti- tutions of the Ottoman Empire began with the rule of sultan Mahmud II (1808-1839), and reached their peak in the period of Tanzimat (1839-1876). In the Ottoman Empire, which was founded on the basis of the concept of organic unity of political and religious authorities (din wa dawla), no changes in the existing norms or institutions were possible without the sharia approval. Both the success and the failure of the reforms greatly depended on the opinion of the ulema.
Most members of the Bosnian ulema gradully changed their attitude toward the reforms. In the first half of the XIXth century their attitude towards the reforms was negative, but they were accepted by the ulema after the mission of Ahmed Dževdet-pasha in Bosnia (1863-1864).




How to Cite

Karčić, F. (1996). The atittude of the Bosnian ulema towards the reforms in the Ottoman empire in the XIX’th century. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 221–232. Retrieved from


