The general criteria for the appointment of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian ulema for religious and educational positions


  • Nijaz Šukrić, mr.


During the centuries-long Ottoman rule in these parts, the system of education of the Muslims of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the criteria for the entering the circle of the educated/the ulema, were within the current eductional system and its values. The Ottoman Turks transfered these values into this part of Europe, together with its administration, and the local Muslims accepted them, jealously guarded them and developed. Like ali the other Muslims in the world, inspired by the Qur’anic teaching and the practice of Tradition, they defined the basis of a persons learning in the following:
a) the strength of faith (al-Tman) and fear of God (at-taqwa),
b) knowledge (of a certain science) and adequate application of ones knowledge, and
c) self-criticism of one’s knowledge and actions.
Beside the official Muslim institutions in the system of upbringing and education, the Muslim masses were also those who took care about the pres- ervation of these criteria. The alim, who applied his knowledge in practice and usefully transfered it to others, especially to the young, was always fa- voured. After the withdrawal of the Ottoman authorities from Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878 and the arrival of the Austro-Hungarian non-Islamic rule, as well the other authorities after that (1918) to the present day, the sys- tem of education of Muslims significantly changed, thereby changing certain criteria for the choice of the educated/ the ulema.
Socio-historical conditions in which the Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina lived in the past decades, have been and still are a difficult burden of trials for the intelligentsia (ulema). It was and still is necessary to reconcile:
- the Oriental /Islamic and the Westem/Christian
- the old and the new
- the religious (spiritual) and secular (wordly and material), and at the same time preserve the Islamic personality of the alim. This is a lively procesa and great efforts are made that this process remains in the right Islamic and scientific path, appropriate to the time and place, circumstances and opportunities in which the Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina live. The future history and the generations to come will evalute the success of these endeavours, and as for us, we surrender to the leadership of Allah.




How to Cite

Šukrić, N. (1996). The general criteria for the appointment of the Bosnian and Herzegovinian ulema for religious and educational positions. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 195–210. Retrieved from


