Collection of manuscripts and the libraries the area of Gradačac


  • Adem Handžić, prof.dr.


This paper discusses the most important collections of manuscripts and libraries in the area of Gradačac. The paper is divided into the following chaptera:
I Gradačac as the cultural-religious-historical center
- Geographical facts about Gradačac
- Rise and fali throughout the history of wars with Austria
- Religious position in the period of Turkish history
a) Religious buildings: mosques, medresas and mektebs
b) Islamic determinants in the aspirations of Captain Murat and his brother Captain Husein, as well as the Gradašćević family in general
- Vakuf property in the Service of Islamic education
II Manuscripts and collection of manuscripts in the ares of Gradačac
- The most important manuscripts, their scribes and vakifs - published manuscripts - unpublished manuscripts
- Collection of manuscripts in the local Museum in Gradačac (collections of the Pekarićs, Gradaščevićs, of the „Svirac“ medresa, „Husejnijje“mosque, collection of works of the author of this paper).
- basic subjects of the manuscripts
III Captain Murat’s and hadži Bećir-bey ’ s library
- Education of Captain Murat and his correspondence with the qadi from Gračanica regarding religious education
- Significance of Captain Murat’s medresa and his library for the relig- ious education of Muslims of his time
- Dedication on a vakuf - manuscript from Bećir-bey’s library
- The fate of these books and their real value today
- Possibilities for the adaptation of Captain Murat’s library in his va- kuf-medresa in Gradačac
IV Kutubhana of Šerifović Fadil-paša
- Inscription on the kutubhana near the Husejnijja in Gradačac
- Who was Fadil-paša Šerifović?
- Fadil-paša’s Divan as his literary and religious manifestation
- Kutubhana today as the hali used for religious education of the young, and recently the religious education of the adults
V Ahmed Hilmi ef. Svirac - educator of his time
- Family tree and education
- Ahmed ef. as the owner of the collection of manuscripts
- Library of Ahmed efendija
- Travelbook on the Hadj
VI Library of the medresa ,,Svirac“
- Book register of the Svirac library
- Qur’anic values
- Interpreter of the Qur’an for the needs of pupils and muderises and the most important tefsir collections
- The science of hadis and its importance in the explanation of the Qur’an
- The akaid characteristics of the library
- Fikh - the realization of religious regulations
- Ahlak and vaz as the moral factor
- Summary of the most important work: Razi’s Tefsir
- Possibilities for the restoration of this library in new conditions, ac- cording to new ideas and new needs
VII Other private libraries
- Imams enthusiasts and their contribution to the preservation of the li- brary holdings of:
a) the legacy of Hadži Hafiz ef. Hodžić in Gazi Husrev-bey ’s library
b) the library of Muhamed-bey Gradaščević
c) the library of H. Sulejman ef. Pekarić
VIII Closing word
- Importance of this material for the needs of the Islamic Community in Gradačac
- Efforts of the Committee of the Islamic Community on the preservation of the books and the efforts in enlarging the library holdings by buying the library of the late Čokić
- Obligations towards Islam and History



How to Cite

Handžić, A. (1996). Collection of manuscripts and the libraries the area of Gradačac. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 169–178. Retrieved from


