The emigration of Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina during the rule of Austro-Hungary and the risala of Mehemed Teufik Azapagić


  • Osman Lavić, mr.


After the beginning of the Austro-Hungarian rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1878, many Muslims thought that it was their religious duty to leave a Christian country and emigrate to Turkey or to parts of the Balkans which were still under the Ottoman rule. In the period from 1878 to 1918 around 150.000 Muslims emigrated from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The rea- sons for their emigration were numerous: socio-economic motives, the change from barter to monetary ecconomy, the Law on Military Obligation of 1882, fear from conversion to Christianity, ete.
One of the first Muslims to raise his voice against the emigration of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina was Mehmed Teufik Azapagić. In 1884 he wrote his Risala on Emigration / Risala fi al-higra in the form of an appeal, in which he tried to contest the necessity of emigration of the Muslim population from Bosnia and Herzegovina due to religious reasons. On the cantrary, he appealed to the Muslims, supporting his opinion by authoritative opinions of sharia lawyers, stating that it was the religious duty of the Muslims to stay in their homeland. Although this appeal was important, it did not have a significant response among the Muslim masses. That is evident in the fact that the emigration continued tili 1918.



How to Cite

Lavić, O. (1996). The emigration of Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina during the rule of Austro-Hungary and the risala of Mehemed Teufik Azapagić. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 123–130. Retrieved from


