The Karabegs

The ulema and their works


  • Hifzija Hasandedić, dr.


The Karabegs are an old Muslim family. In the written documents they are first mentioned in the first half of the XVIIth century. They also had property in Blagaj, so they are mentioned there at the same time as in Mostar. One of the Karabegs, Hasan aga bequeathed in 1774 a sum of 84.000 akčas, but under the condition that it be usefully invested. From this sum, the muallim and his assistant in the mekteb of Sultan Sulejman’ s mosque were to be payed.
The Karabeg family gave several scholars (ulema). This paper discusses the work of Mustafa Sidki ef. and his sons Hadži Ahmed ef. and Hadži Ali Riza ef. Mustafa Sidki ef. was a muderis and muftija in Mostar from 1857 tili 1878, when he was killed by those rebelling against the Austro- Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He was an acknowledged scholar and writer. He is the author of several works in various Islamic disci- plines. His only published work is Hidadun-nusul dealing with the basics of the Sharia law. He was s distinguished orator and preacher (vaiz). His older son Hadži Ahmed ef. was also a muderis, but as a wealthy man he did not have a need for a job. He was a distinguished public personality. He was one of the leaders in the struggle for the religious and educational autonomy of Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He distinguished himself as a vaiz. He
died in Mostar in 1942. The younger son, Hadži Ali Riza ef. was also a muderis and a writer. He wrote and published several shorter works. His most important work is the translation of the Qur’an, which he published in 1937 in his own edition. He died in Mostar in 1944.





How to Cite

Hasandedić, H. (2017). The Karabegs: The ulema and their works. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 313–322. Retrieved from


