The Hadžijamaković familiy


  • Muhamed Hadžijamaković


This paper discusses five members of the Hadžijamaković family. The sumarne Hadžijamaković indicates that one of the family’s ancestors was either the second bearer of the banner (yamak) or he was a craftsman, and as such the second bearer of the guild’ s banner. He must have been decorated, since the family got his name for a surname, and he must have been rich since he performed the hadj, and that is also evident from the surname.
Ali five members of this family that are discussed in this paper had re- ligious education. The oldest, Muhamed ef. Hadžijamaković, born in the period from 1812 and 1815, was the šejh and muderis of the Gazi Husrev-bey’s
Hanikah. He distinguished himself during the resistance to Austro-Hangarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He took part in the battles from Žepče to Sarajevo. After the resistance was broken down he was sentenced to death by hanging in Sarajevo, and during the execution he behaved courageously and with dignity.
He had three sons who followed in their father’s steps by choosing religious education. The eldest Abdulah ef. was educated in Sarajevo, and tili his death in 1931 he was the imam of the hospital.
The second son, Ahmed ef. was educated in Sarajevo and Istanbul, and after completing his education he was a šejh and muderis in Gazi Hu- srev-bey’s Hanikah. Beside that, he also gave sermons both to men and women. He died in 1931.
The youngest son, Muhamed ef. after completing his elementary education followed his brother Ahmed to Istanbul, where he got his degree. After completing his education he was a muderis and a religious teacher, and he was an excellent preacher (vaiz).
The fifth member of this family, Muhamed ef. (the author of this pa- per) is the son of Ahmed ef. He was educated in Sarajevo, in Gazi Husrev- bey’s Medresa, from which he graduated in 1935, and he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo in 1956. He was a religious teacher till 1945, and after that he worked in various institutions and firms. After retirement in 1971, he devoted himself to research work in the field of Muslim cultural heritage. He published in various magazines in this field.




How to Cite

Hadžijamaković, M. (1996). The Hadžijamaković familiy. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 295–302. Retrieved from


