The institution of Nekibu-l-Ešraf in Bosnia and Herzegovina


  • Fehim Nametak, dr.


This report discusses the role and importance of the institution of nekibul-ešraf in Bosnis and Hezegovina. Nekibul-ešrafs were special institutions of the ulema, and they appeared in those regions were the descendants of the prophet Muhamed lived. Šerif and sejid (pl. ešraf and sadat) took care of their interests and their conduct. This privileged category of the ulema was exempt from paying certain taxes, and in case they commited an offence they were not in the jurisdiction of the regular court. 18 (eighteen) families in Bosnia and Herzegovina had a certificate proving their belonging to the family of Muhammed. The nekibul-ešraf are first mentioned by the French traveller-writer Poullet and the Turkish traveller-writer Evlija Čelebi. The last man to have this title was Mustafa Hajrudin-bey Fadilpašić (1835-1892).


13)  GHB, Sidžil LXVI, str. 8.


14)  GHB, Sidžil LXXXIV, str. 7.




How to Cite

Nametak, F. (1996). The institution of Nekibu-l-Ešraf in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 253–258. Retrieved from


