Mustafa Ejubović - Šejh Jujo „Risala fi adab al-baht“

Trestise on Disputation or On the methods of Procedure in Discussion


  • Muhamed Mrahorović


The subject of scientific elaboration of the spiritual inheritance (theological, philosphical, literal, linguistic, etc.) of Muslims from Bosnia and Hercegovina was a taboo in the recent history of Yugoslav peoples. That was true both for the official politics which had no understanding for that inheritance and for scientists who avoided it or approached it timidly. Thus, that spiritual corpus was not the object of interest and critical research. That resulted in a paradoxical situation that the almost complete opus of the outstanding representatives of Muslim medieval spiritual tradition was unjustly neglected. It was never catalogized or elaborated bibliographically or monographically. As an example, this paper mentions Abdullah Bošnjak, Hasan Kafi Pruščak, Mustafa Ejubović - Šejh Jujo, Ibrahim Opijač and the others.

The characteristic of the last few decades is a rather intensive scientific and research work, and as a result there appeared several very important works. They discovered, and for the first time presented, great Mushm scholars. In that way the level of culture and education of Muslims became completely authentic.

Cultural heritage of Oriental provenance in these parts developed specific structures, whose historical genius and genesis can not be discussed out of the context of Islam and its civilization.

This paper tried to clear up certain questions related to Mustafa Ejubović Mostarac - Šejh Jujo. In order to confirm the thesis that Šejh Jujo was a very wise and prolific thinker in the field of theology and other scientific dis- ciplines, this paper offers the translation of his short treatise Risala fi adab al-baht-Treatise on Disputation or On the Method of Procedure in Discussion.





How to Cite

Mrahorović, M. (1996). Mustafa Ejubović - Šejh Jujo „Risala fi adab al-baht“: Trestise on Disputation or On the methods of Procedure in Discussion. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 91–96. Retrieved from


