Important Characteristic of the second Isa’s coming to earth in the manuscript of Mehmed ef. Handžić


  • Adnan Silajdžić, prof.dr.


This paper discusses Handžić’s understanding of Isa’s a.s. second coming to Earth and his natural death. These two questions have a long history of their own. They are present both in Christian and Muslim theology, and as such are important for defining the nature of both the Chrisitian and the Muslim esehatology.

Answering these two questions the author States that Isa’s a.s. both body and soul ascended. His earthly mission belongs to the Corning esehatological times, where everything will be in the sign of Isa’s restoration mission - Muhammed’s a.s. Sharia.

The answer to the question regarding Isa’s a.s. death, Handžić logically deduces from the Islamic attitude regarding his asendance and return to Earth. Therefore he claims, contrary to the Jews and Christians, that Isa a.s. was not crucified, it only seemed that way to the Jews and Roman soldiers. Allah dž.š. ascended both his body and soul. He will die a natural death only at the end of time, after he reappears on the Earth and after the realization of the ides of Islamic Sharia.

Following the principles of classical Muslim theological epistemology, the author will try to prove the religious basis of his thesis, first of ali refering to the fundamental sources of Islam (Qur’an and Hadis), sa well as to the whole competent classical Muslim theological literature.




How to Cite

Silajdžić, A. (1996). Important Characteristic of the second Isa’s coming to earth in the manuscript of Mehmed ef. Handžić. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 75–82. Retrieved from


