Mustafa Ejubović - Šejh Jujo and his summa theologica


  • Rešid Hafizović, prof.dr.


This manuscript commentary of Šejh Jujo discusses almost ali relevant questions of Muslim Dogmatics from which the entire Muslim theology originates. In this manuscript the author first of ali discusses the contents of Muslim ontotheology, with a special emphasis on the cognition of the es- sence of God, and an emphasis on the relation between the essence and being of God, the relation of eataphactic charasteristics and apophactic characteristics of the essence and being of God. It also emphasizes the relation of God’s names and the essence of God, since some of the names reveal the essence through their own characteristics, while the others keep the essence unre- vealed forever. In the closing part of his presentation of ontotheology, he de- votes special attention to certain interpretative theological traditions from the formative phase of Islam, especially to the mu’tezilits, as well as to certain traditions from the time of Islamic scholastics, especially those with sharia atomistic direciton of study.

Then follows the discussion regarding one important questio of Muslim thinking and it denotes a whole epoch of Muslim history. That is the question of the origin of the Qur’an - human or divine.

The question of antropomorphism in the Revelation logically follows, on the basis of which the model for the theology of metaphysical cognition of the essence of God is based.

The second part of the manuscript the author dedicates to the interpre- tation of Qur’an hierohistory under the phenomenon of prophethood in general, and then later on to the prophetic mission of Muhammed (s.a.) whieh is final and universal.


The third part of the manuscript is dedicated to the interpretation of Muslim eschatology in the light of the realized and forthcoming eschatologi- eal hope, which equally deals with the past, the present and the future of religious life.

In a word, eschatological hope is encompassed both in its introduetion and in its climax.

The fourth part of the manuscript discusses the unsurpassable virtuosity of the young Muslim community in Medina (Umma), whose life is for ever ensured by the authentic religicus authorities and the virtous life of Muhammed (a.s.), the first four khalifas and members of the Prophet’s house-hold (ehlul-bejt).

The fifth and at the same time the last part of the manuscript is the most extensive. It explains certain individual religious questions whose uni- versality Muhammed (a.s.) gives in the form of the well-known metaphore „seventy odd sprouts of religion“. In this part, the author discusses: the blasphemous and false speech as the worst deeds condemned to damnation; the value of faith of someone who only blindly imitates religious practiees; the use of reason in perceiving God without the previous knowledge from the Revelation; the hope as the hope as the precedent of faith; good deeds which must originate from religion; strict prohibition on calling someone infidel, heretic, libertine or murderer; deeds which in themselves exclude one from religion; non-being and the creation of the universe out of nothing; the halal and the haram; life in the kabur; the judgement; temporary stay of sinners in Džehenem; the grace that enlivens the heart and fills the soul with happiness; etc.





How to Cite

Hafizović, R. (1996). Mustafa Ejubović - Šejh Jujo and his summa theologica. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 51–74. Retrieved from


