Ahmed Bejazić and his work „Išarat al-maram min ‘rbarat al-imam“


  • Muharem Omerdić, mr.


Ahmed Bejazić is one of the first Muslim scholars and authors from Bosnia and Hercegovina who wrote in Oriental languages. According to authoritative and undisputed opinions, he is our best known scholar in the Science of akaid (dogmatics), with a more expressed and more impressive contribution, than the one of Hasan Kafi and Šejh Jujo, two other outstanding native writers. He especislly distinguished himself with his Capital work in dogmatics called „Išarat al-maram min ‘ibarat al-Imam“. Two well preserved manuscripts of this work are today in the Gazi Husrev-bey ’s Library in Sarajevo. This work is in fact an extensive commentary on five tractates of akaid Science, written by one of the biggest Muslim scholars and lawyers Imam al-A’zam Abu Hanifa from Quf, Iraq. The work is the work of an expert, written in ornate Arabic, divided according to topics and based on Islamic norms and Science. Due to its volume and difficult style, sufficient attention and significance was not given to this work, although both the work and the author really deserve it.





How to Cite

Omerdić, M. (1996). Ahmed Bejazić and his work „Išarat al-maram min ‘rbarat al-imam“. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 10(17-18), 41–50. Retrieved from https://anali-ghb.com/index.php/aghb/article/view/384


