Language diversities in the works of 16th century


  • Sevinc Ağayeva, dr.


Divan, kelime grupları, sesteş kelimeler, Fuzuli


Fuzuli played an exceptionally important role in the development of Aze- ri Turkish language. In the works he wrote in his native language he skillful- ly used words and expressions of folk language which made them understandable to a wider public.

This poet paid special attention to the language that people spoke and used it to describe certain situations more expressively, to bring emotions into the descriptions, to avoid repetition of same words, to evade monotony of his poetic tongue. He included folk phrases into the literature in his own way. Some researchers say that “not a single word of Fuzuli’s poetry can be excluded and interpreted independently, and that every word can be explained only in relation to other words in a text , as a Fuzuli-specific application”.

Formation of Fuzuli’s worldview was considerably inÀuenced by geog- raphic regions where he was born and lived: Baghdad, Karbala, Najaf, and Hillah. It is well known that, at Fuzuli’s time, Baghdad was one of the major provinces of Azerbaijan, mostly inhabited by Azeris. Importance given to the native tongue by S.I. Hatayi contributed to the spread of Azeri language so the literary circles of Baghdad used primarily this language.

In classical times, Nesimi, Hatayi, and Fizuli carefully selected meter, rhythm, and words, and created harmonic compositions. Fuzuli’s Divan in Turkish language is characteristic for diverse semantics of original Arabic and Persian words. Turkish word al which is in today’s language archaic, is used by Fuzuli in the meaning of “hile”, “mekir”, and “kirmiz”. Today, it is used only in the latter meaning and only in some phraseological expressi- ons such as al kirmizi, al yanak.



How to Cite

Ağayeva, S. (2015). Language diversities in the works of 16th century. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 22(36), 121–130. Retrieved from


