Exclamatory Senteces of Wondeerment in the Qur'an


  • Mustafa Jahić, dr.


eksklamativne rečenice, glagoli čuđenja, gramatički stilovi, arapska stilistika, sintaksa arapskog jezika


This article’s subject is to review and analyze exclamatory phrases of wonderment (ğumla taʻağğubiyya) in the Arabic language following the example of the Qur'anic text. The paper discusses two main types of linguistic forms by which they form exclamatory sentences of wonderment : analogical or regular (taʻağğub qiyāsī) and other in linguistic practice recorded forms of wonderments (taʻağğub samāʻī) which is effectuated through the morpho- syntactic forms of the declarative, exclamatory, interrogative and imperative sentences. Both methods of expression of wonderment are present in the Qur'an and they are referred to in the grammar of Arabic language as a special kind of sentences,and in stylistics, including stylistics of Qur'anic text, as a kind of grammatical styles (asālīb naḥwiyya) which create a certain pragmatic goals. Because of its intonatative - expressive features of eksklamativne senctences of wonderment in this paper are treated , except from syntactic , also and with semantic pragmatic aspect for detecting their semantic values and pragmatic effects on the recipient of the Qur'anic messages.



How to Cite

Jahić, M. (2013). Exclamatory Senteces of Wondeerment in the Qur’an. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 20(34), 157–176. Retrieved from https://anali-ghb.com/index.php/aghb/article/view/289


