Kaimi's introductory verses


  • Fehim Nametak, dr


Hasan Kaimi Saraji (XVII c), poet. master of the dervish's order of kaderija, was very prominent person of his time. The poems in which he foretells the particular events are well-known. He foretold the bad luck of the Venetian Republic, but did not observe with optimism even the development of the Osman's empire. Moreover he was the leader of the people of Sarajevo in revolts searching for cereals from the reach people. For this he was exiled in Zvornik where he died. His disciples edified him there a modest mausoleum.

Here are published the introductory verses of the first kasida of Hasan Kaimi's Divan where, slightly, could be divined his mystical contemplation of life and his meeting with mystical love. Besides this collection of poetry collected in Divan, exists also Varidat with a great number of preserved copies proving that those works were transcribed very often by popularity of the author and the ideas that he transcribed very often by reason of popularity of the author and the ideas that he had propagated. There exist several copies of Varidat in Gazi Husrev-bey's library and in orientalistical libraries in Sarajevo and Zagreb.



How to Cite

Nametak, F. (1974). Kaimi’s introductory verses. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 2(2-3), 71–80. Retrieved from https://anali-ghb.com/index.php/aghb/article/view/25


