Al-Gazalis treatment of Allah’s name in work of Al-Maqôad al-asnā fi šarõ ma‘ānī asmā’i-llāh al-õusnā


  • Indira Hadžić Bogdanović


Al-Gazali, lijepa Božija imena, svojstva, korpus 99 ime- na, interpretiranje, značenja


The question of Allah’s beautiful names was equally presented in theological and philosophical debates, especially of those of gnostical perception-cognition. Gazali’s work Al-Maq¥ad al-asnā fi šarõ ma‘ānī asmā’i-llāh al-õusnā, moved a number of classical thinkers towards dealing with such topics as well as modern thinkers towards interpretation of his work. The works were commenting, critically examined or contested by Islamic and non - Islamic thinkers. Because of that, the result was a number of works, commentaries, tractates and studies. Almost all classical thinkers, relied on Gazali’s interpretation of certain topics in question or they use it as methodological direction and guideline – towards dealing with such sensi- tive abstract problems.

Gazali, known as merciless criticizer of Farabi’s and Avicena’s works and their interpretation of Islamic sciences about primordial pillars, about which he wrote his last work where he used linguistic and logic category, or methodology of perception which he has criticized, in order to make closer to reader the core of Sufi gnoseological debate about Allah’s beautiful names. That fact gives as a new space for new and different informal reading of Abu Hamid Al-Gazali’s work.



How to Cite

Hadžić Bogdanović, I. (2009). Al-Gazalis treatment of Allah’s name in work of Al-Maqôad al-asnā fi šarõ ma‘ānī asmā’i-llāh al-õusnā. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 16(29-30), 299–334. Retrieved from


