Peer review

The Annuals use double anonymous peer review, which means that the authors of the manuscript do not know who their reviewers are, and the reviewers do not know the names of the authors. Therefore, authors should avoid mentioning any information about the author after the title page. In case such information is necessary for some reason, we ask the authors to bring it to our attention in order to anonymize that part before submitting the manuscript to the reviewer.

In case the paper is suitable and in accordance with the Guidelines for the Authors, it is sent to two reviewers. They respond by a report containing the following recommendations:

 - can be published without corrections

- can be published after the suggested corrections are made

- cannot be published.

 Once all reviewers present their opinion, the editor-in-chief, after consulting the editorial board members, provides one of the following recommendations on the form:

 - publish without any changes

- publish after the corrections are made

- not for publishing.