Uloga Bisera u kulturno-prosvjetnom uzdizanju Muslimana
If one should single out the place of periodicals in the overall cultural and social processes in the first decades of this century, the Biser would, without any doubt, earn a rather high place. Two lines can be seen when observing its importance: the owner of this journal, Muhamed Bekir Kalajdžić, tried to get his newspapers out of politics from the very begin- ning of its publication and to focus on the cultural and educational matters. His primary idea was to awaken the Moslem population from the lethargy and to turn it towards progress. However, Kalajdžić preferred Islam in his notions as his ideal or model.
He even avoided becoming involved in the contemporary quarrels about the national identity although he did work towards the process of seeing Moslems as a separate national entity. The other line of Biser's value took place even without the wish and concept of Kalajdžić himself. The prominent contributors to Biser, among whom one should mention Ćatić and Bjelevac in particular, made this journal to feel more strongly the spirit of the time and the interim period during which the Moslems of Bosnia and Herzegovina finally became detached for the oriental spirit in arts as the only source of inspiration and its principal support. It was the period when the East and the West met having given the new quality and the new expression. This line of interchangeable intertwining did not end until our time.