Osnivanje i rad Islamske dioničke štampparije (tiskare) u Sarajevu od 1905. - 1918. godine
The idea on the establishment of Islamic Printing Shop as an institution could be traced from the end of the Ottoman period and the emergence of Mehmed Šaćir Kurtćehajić. This idea gained in importance when the Behar magazine was founded (1900-1910). The Islamic Printing Shop was supposed to become an institution that would enable a general cultural revival of /Bosnian/ Moslems, as well as to print publications in Bosnian and in oriental languages. The Moslem intellectuals, cultural and other prominent public figures gathered around this idea. The Islamic Printing Shop was established on September 16, 1904 as a stockholding company, with Adem-aga Mešić as the Chairman of the Company's Assembly. The official opening ceremony took place on July 10, 1905. During the first 14 years of its activities, which happens to be the topic of this paper, the Print- ing Shop produced 120 publications, out of which number 100 were monographs and more than 20 periodical ones. Its activity was exclusively directed towards printing business although it has had publishing as a part of its program orientation.
The eminent Bosniak names, such as Safvet-beg Bašagić. Šemsudin Sarajlić, Sejfudin Kemura, Hifzi Bjelevac and others printed their works in this printing shop. One should mention Bosansko-hercegovački glasnik /Bosnian and Herzegovinian Herald/, Bosanska vila /Bosnian Fairy/, Tarik /Tariq- Chronogram/, Gajret, Muslimanska svijest /Moslem Awareness/ etc. Having taken into account the low educational level among the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the high percentage of the illiterate people, the Islamic Printing Shop did its cultural and civilization mission in the best way possible. In this way, it fulfilled the hopes and goals of its instigators and founders.