Muslimanski književnici u gajretu
In accordance to the decision passed by the Main Assembly of the Gajret Society, the journal with the same name began to publish literary pieces in the beginning of 1910. However, it did not manage to attract the famous names, such as Safvet-beg Bašagić, Edhem Mulabdić and Osman Nuri Hadžić, who did not agree with the new political orientation of the Gajret Society. A fiction in the Gajret journal was represented by Hamdija Mulić, Hazim Muftić, Hifzi Bjelevac, Mustafa Čelić-Gazanfer, Šemsudin Sarajlić under the pen name of Hafiz R. In their works one can usually find the same, common theme. Awakening the Bosniak people's minds criticism of negative tendencies and events, a blind imitation of foreign customs and habits, foreign words and expressions in language and speech, a blind sup- port of the old ways of life, etc. The problem of immigration to Turkey was treated in particular. Warnings were issued against asocial behavior, such as alcoholism, prostitution, and gambling, spending larger sums of money. A considerable portion of texts dealt with the reform of schools, education of female children, as well as the application of new technologies in economy.
Hamdija Muftić usually wrote on topics with didactic undertones, whereas Hamdija Mulić mostly discussed the issues of religious and eth- nic life in Bosniak people. Hifzi Bjelevac was the author of an interesting short story Na kraju /In the End/, whereas Musa Ćazim Ćatić published a cycle of religious sonnets. Šemsudin Sarajlić published a number of songs full of romantic and love themes where he mixed sad and grave with serene tones. Osman Ðikić dedicated his literary work to the activities of several prophets, and the poet B. K. Muftić did not see a bright future for his people.