O pogledima Vladimira Ćorovića na književno kulturno i umjetničko stvaranje Muslimana u Bosni i Hercegovini
Vladimir Ćorović (1885-1941) had an enormous amount of energy. He was a passionate person in his work. The number of activities that this historian has undertaken cannot even be listed. His areas of academic and scholarly research varied from the prehistoric times to the most recent history, from the medieval and traditional to the most modern literatures, from philology to the political journalism. He published old authors, archival records and anonymous literary heritage. He wrote historical disputes based on the laborious analysis, rich and detailed monographs, large synthetic reviews and articles intended for the wide general public. He worked in museums, he was a nationalist revolutionary, he served his sentence in the Austro-Hungarian prisons, he was University professor and academician, the editor of journals, and was present in almost any scientific or lit- erary undertaking of considerable proportions.
Current historians can criticize Ćorović that he had not always been careful and correct enough in his criticism of sources and facts. They attribute it to his large amount of work and constant haste. Sometimes he reached sovereign conclusions about dead areas of human activities that have not been thoroughly or sufficiently examined. His thought was in danger of becoming crippled. This can also refer to his incomplete view of the Moslem civilization circle. Nevertheless, he showed some sympathies towards it, in the manner of Aleksa Šantić. He must have been aware of the role of pen in Islam, which is considered to be older and more prominent than a sword; although the role of the sword should not be underestimated once it had gained and confirmed its importance in history.
Either the Qur'anic verses /ayets/or the oldest traditions had given the dignity of pen the highest place. In the course of the Islamic civilization, many writers have written simultaneously about the pen and the sword. Despite the cruel atmosphere of sword prevailing they used to live in, these writers showed more sympathies and inclination to the pen than to the sword. There are not so many traditional cultures where people have paid such a sincere and deep respect to the written word and the learned people as it had happened in the Islamic culture.