Arapska književnost u preporodnim časopisima
The Arabic literature was translated in the second Golden Age of our cultural history because Arabic was lingua sacra of our Bosnian Moslem culture. We entered into a circle of this great Islamic culture and civilization through the medium of this language, and especially through the Arabic script, hurufat. The link with that language, even under the newly created and catastrophic circumstances, remained unbreakable. Without Arabic, our involvement into the European currents of education and development and the Revival could not be even imagined.
The works that had been translated from Arabic had an underlined moral and educational character. They were meant to incite readers' response and they always had the Islamic thinking and ethical background or backdrop. The translated literature was in the function of Revival goals. Our writers tried to enlighten their readers, because they knew that they could and had to remain in these parts only if they preserved their autochthonous cultural essence and national selfawareness, originality and particularity. Islam gave the most decisive mark to these qualities.
Towards the sunset of our Islamic Renaissance, and at the beginning of a new age, our writers, on the poetical crossroad, cherish the poetics of Eastern literatures and fructify the mosaic of overall literature of Southern Slavic nations. For this reason, we saw here fahriyas (stories of praise) and loosmiyates (didactic stories), hikayas (short stories), maqamas (stories told in a special manner that complies with the particular vocal interpreta- tion of Qur'an), Arabic fairy tales and imaginative stories. These literary types, either in their form or in their motives, (the latter one was more pronounced) would be accepted in a creative way at the beginnings of our Modernist literature.