Abdurrahim Muftić - Novo ime u književnosti Bosansko Hercegovačkih muslimana na orijentalnim jezicima
A manuscript entitled:
has been found in Ghazi Husref-Bey Library.
It is a commentary on the last will of Nu’man b. Tabita Abu Hanifa (died 150/768). The commentary is an autograph, and was written by Abdurrahim b. Muhammad Muftizade (Muftić) 1195/1780. He died in Travnik in 1203/1788, where his grave still exists. Another writer of similar name also lived and worked in Travnik - Es’ad Abdurrahman-efendi Muftić, a mufti and a poet, so a number of historians have confused these two personalites. However, these were two different writers of similar name; the former died earlier, and the latter was appointed in Travnik as late as 1205/1790, that is, two years after the death of Abdurrahman Muftić.
Biographical data on this writer were taken from his works and copies he himself made. The printed works mainly used are: "Islamic Epigraphies in Bosnia and Herzegovina", volume II by Mehmed Mujezinović. (Sarajevo, „Veselin Masleša", 1977).
Other sources are given at the end of the present paper.