Apozitivi u arapskoj rečenici
Prema poglavlju „Apozitivi“ u djelu AL-Fawa'id al-'Abdiyya
Appositives ( التوابع ) is a chapter from the work al-Fawa'id abdiyya which is the commentary of a well-known shorter work on the syntax of Arabic al-Unmudag by Zamashery. The author of this commcentary, Mustafa Yuyi b. Yusuf b. Murad 'Ayyubi-zade al-Mostari (1061/1651 / 1119/1707), is one of the best-known authors among the Bosnian and Hercegovinian Muslims who wrote in oriental languages.
In the chapter on Appositives, which is the subject of this paper, on the basis of the same chapter of the above-mentioned basic work, the present author elaborates more extensively on the five kinds of these syntactic elements as secondary, complementary parts of an Arabic sentence, wich have the same grammatical status as the parts they are applied to, and have the llexion of the word they follow. Those are التاكيد (cortoboration, stre- ngthening, intensification), اكت (atribute), البدل (permutative, substi- tule), عطف البيان (explicative apposition) and العطف بالحرف (the word following a conjunction).
In dealing with this syntactic problem, the present author has used well- known works in the field with considerable succcss, quoting the opinions of numerous authors, in which he shows both knowledge of the problem itself, and also the relevant literature of his time. Moreover, while quoting several different opinions, he is quite critical towards some of them, presenting also his own opinion on these questions. Often going into deep- er analysis of certain syntactical problems, the author often exceeds his inilial intention of making the work mercly an Arabic Syntax textbook for beginners.