Medžmua Sarajevskog pjesnika Mehmeda Mejlije Guranije
Mejmuas are manuscript codexes of varied content, and authorship names known and unknown of various age, and sometimes with several collectors. Ali this makes them both difficult and also interesting for research. They offer the possibility of the discovery of some new, unkown name among the writers in oriental languages in these parts, or of new information about certain personalities, the literary, and cultural, and historical conditions in certain areas, etc.
One of these Mejmuas, especially interesting because it is an autograph of the Sarajevo poet and caligrapher Mehmed Meyli Gurani (1713-1781), is kept in Ghazi Husref-Bey's Library in Sarajevo (1 2012).
The present paper is an attempt to present in detail the content of the mentioned Mejmua and to give data on those authors who could be identified in lit
erature. Beside numerous verses of the collector and poet Mehmed Meyli himself, this Mejmua, contains his choice of verses or poems of other poets from Sarajevo, Mostar, Jajce and other parts of Yugoslavia, but also the works of numerous Ottoman poets, more or less famous writers, with some unknown to us, among them.
It is believed that such research into the Mejmuas will be useful for the work of those researchers who are trying to shed more light on and give an objective presentation of this segment of Bosnian culture to a wider public.