Osnova za katalogizaciju rukopisa na arapskom jeziku
At present the nargest collections of Islamic manuscripts ؛n Bosnla and Hercegovina are preseived in Gazi Husrevbeg Library and Oriental institute of Sarajevo (Ten and five thosand respectively). Considerably smaJler, but stil valuable, numter ofthese manuscripts are located in dte National and University Liberary and Historical Archives of Sarajevo. Until now these collection were only partialy catalogued and as such didn't serve their userswell.
Due to this fact for sometime now the need was felt for devising ntles for Ibeir proper cataloguing in order to make them more accessable to the scientifircommunity.
Taking into consideration the urgency ofthe matter, in this paper an attempt was made to present some practical solution to manysidcd problems involved in the cataloguing ofArabic manuscripts.