Introductory »tesavvuf« interpretations by Abdullah Bošnjak


  • Fejzulah Hadžibajrić, šejh


tesavuf, Abdulah Bošnjak, Muhjidin Ibn Arebi, Rumi, Šejh, murid, tesavvuf, tarikat, Fususul-Hikem


The introductory »tesavvuf« interpretations of Abdullah Bošnjak, as described in essay, are the foundations of Islamic mysticism. In twelve items is presented the theory of mysticism and the order of »tarikat« (dervish sects). For his time Bosnjak is original and progressive. The ideas of mysticism: as indefiniteness, the first and second definiteness, are in the works of other mystics expressed as separated conceptions, while Bosnjak binds them up elastically. The Exalted Devine Being (Zåtuhú Teålå) and everything except the Being (»Gajr«) stand in narrow connection. This connection exists through the names and attributes of the Being. Everything exept the Being is called »Gajr«. The essence of »Gajr« is God's knowledge about Gajr. »Fejzi Akdes« is manifestation of existence of the Devine-Being through the existence of everything except the Being - »Gajr«. »Fejzi Mukaddes« is the way by which »Gajr« - everything except the Being is manifested, through the names and characteristics of the Devine-Being. These are the Reflections of the Grace of God. The whole Universe exists through these Reflections of the Grace of God. The most perfect model which exists and lives in the Universe is man. The top on the ladder of the human perfectness is to become a complete man (Kåmil). Climbing up the ladder is »tarikat«. On this way we are led by a teacher »šejh«. The ascent on the top of the ladder gives special satisfaction.
To follow Muhammed sincerely and consciously is the most sure way to achieve a happy and contend life. The word of God-Kur'an, the tradition of Muhammed-Hadis, and the way of Pir are the foundations of tesavvuf (mysticism). The ideas of neoplatonism can be found in tesavvuf, because they are Truth (Hakk). The relationship between neoplatonism and Islamic mysticism (tesavvuf) represent this Truth. Always and everywhere the truth is Truth. Herefrom the relationship between Franjo Petrić's neoplatonic metaphysical light and Abdulah Bošnjak's »tesavvuf« metaphysical light, as is refered to by Professor Čedomil Veljačić.



How to Cite

Hadžibajrić, F. (1972). Introductory »tesavvuf« interpretations by Abdullah Bošnjak. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 1(1), 35–48. Retrieved from


