Vakufnama Nefise - hatun iz Visokog iz 1880. godine
Ključne riječi:
vakufnama, žena, Nefisa - hatun, VisokoSažetak
This works deals with transcription, translation and fascimile of one of vakufnama which was legalized on 6th January 1880 in town of Visoko. In this vakufnama madam Nefisa from Visoko stated that 80 grosh should be paid from the rent of her granary and part of an orchard to the female teacher at mekteb in this town.
This author was unable to find more details about madam Nefisa, apart from those found in the text of the vakufname. From the text can be seen that the name of the father of madam Nefisa was Mehmed-bey, that she had daughter named Derviša, and that she was known as a benefactor. The publication of this vakufnama has the purpose to draw attention to the researchers about this benefactor so that we can learn more about her and her family.