Rukopis Mehmeda Handžića o tumačenju ajeta o propisima iz sure En-Nisa
Mehmed Handžić (1906-1944) is one of the most prominent scholars from 20th century in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During his lifetime he published about 300 works; including books, discussion, articles. Many of his works have been left in the form of manuscripts. He lived in a period which was very difficult for the survival of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and especially Bosnian Muslims in it. Many of his works are related to these issues.
His work autograph Tafsir ayat al-ahkam min surah al-Nisa (Meaning of ayah about regulations from the sura En-Nisa) exists in the Gazi Husrev- bey Library under record No. 996. It is in fact 60 pages hand written work, in which he explains the ayah from the sura En-Nisa. Since this surah talks about Islamic regulations it belongs to ‘fiqh’ commentary of the Qur’an.Mehmed Handžić wrote this work as a concept for lecture on High Islamic Sharia-theology school in Sarajevo, just before and during the first period of WWII. Because of such circumstances he could not fin-ished it, and out of 176 ayah in the sura En-Nisa he interpreted only the first 100 ayahs.
As a source for the interpretation of the ayah he has used well known traditional and rational works from tafsir, he mostly used the works from the authors such as Ibnul-Arebi, Kurtubi, Alusi, Džessas, Taberi, Ibn Kesir, Dželalejn, Razi, Zamahšeri, Bejdavi, Nesefi, Siddik han, Ibn Atijje and Ševkani.
Having in mind the intention of that work and the way that it has been done, we can conclude that Handžić has given answer to the posed question and in a proper way presented the meaning of the ayahs. He gives special attention on posture of the scholars of Hanafi mazhab, without giving unnecessary details and without special treatment on posture of other mazhabs.