Bosanski kristjani (bogumili) prema nekim neobjavljenim osmanskim izvorima
In his work, Tajib Okić dealt with Bogomils of Bosniain historical sources known as Christians or pure Christians, and Bosnian Church. The research covered a period of one and a half centuries, and is based on valid historical materials earliest Ottoman sijils found in libraries in Istanbul and Ankara. It is interesting to see how Okić places document after document of historical authenticity into academic debate with hypocritical theories and theses, works and their authors, who are trying to place the phe- nomenon of Bogomil (Bosnian Christians or ancient Bošnjaks) into some other historical contexts, Chrisitianizing them, Croatizing or Serbianizing them, ignoring, marginalizing or denying their historical existence.
Naturally, by hypocritical historical materials, historical facts and history as such is meant some writers of Croatian or Serbian history, who affected by increasing national consciousness, culture and identity, are recycling historical facts. They are interpreting valid historical materials in an Inquisition like manner because “for them national interest is all-important, and not historical facts” as well said by Alexander Solovjev, respected historian and intellectual and professor at Geneva University. Researching Bogomil cemeteries and other valid historical documents, Solovjev confirms Bogomil-Christian identity of Bosnian Church and that “Serbian and Croatian writers have interpreted historically vague theories of Anatolian Pavle.”
Serbian writers claim Orthodox identity of the Bosnian Church while Croatian writers insist on Catholic identity in that way anathematizing for a long time the only recognized thesis of Croatian historian Franjo Raško on perversion and heresy of Bosnian Church and her dual religious teaching. Raško’s view was also held by another Croatian historian Ćiro Truhelka, who only towards the end of his life reversed his view.