Trebotić i utvrda Kličevac u vrijeme osmanske vladavine
Written medieval sources did not give enough and complete identification of the medieval district of Trebotic, which was mentioned by different charters and letters from the period between 1326-1426. But, for the reconstruction of history the big mystery was fortress Klicevac,
- Istanbul, , MMV., No. 540., fo. 13.;
which appeared in the sources only in the middle of the 15th century. Identification of the locality and the name of the region are not clear. Research done by H. Sabanovic gives a good basis for further research.
- Andjelic, because of shortage of written material and only based on
geographical and field research, gives dwellings of the medieval district and town Klichevac.
The mentioned district lay around river Zelenog Jedra.
After the fall of Ottoman Empire, that region has retained local administration as a district with the same diapason as earlier.
According to a register in the year 1468/69 in the middle ages this region was quite populated with 48 villages and another four smaller ones. Because of big uncertainty on the borderline, most of occupants left this region. As the only place which was populated in 1468/69 in Trebotic, was the village Suceska close to a fortress town which had garrison- armed forces. When a new power was established there, the region Trebotic did not totally unite with Osatu, rather it was divided between neighbouring districts, Osat and Birch. Border between the two districts was on the middle of the river Zelenog Jedra, near the cliff Vratnica. The upper course of the river Zelenog Jadra falls to Osatu, while the lower part to Birach.
In the region of Trebotic there was a medieval castle which played a very important role in the political and military life of the region. Historians came over to the name of ‘Kljuchevac’ for this district, mainly because of the available sources that have been used from the records of year 1468/69. They did not take into account alternative options, which were offered in 1468. In more detailed research of Podrinje, and based on field research by P. Andjelic, it was discovered that Klichevac is the only known name of this medieval town. Analysis of some of Ottoman written sources totally justified this conclusion. When the fortress fell to the Ottoman rule 24 members of the gar- rison were placed in it. Apart from that there were temporary administrative centers for the region. After the 16th century fortress did not have any more significance, occupants left it in 1540 and castle was left to be ruined by time.