O jednom "sporadičnom" rukopisu na turskom i bosanskom jeziku
This work discusses the linguistic characteristics of the one modest text on Turkish language which, is by scope and content a small Turk- ish-Bosnian dictionary. This dictionary was written in the 19th century and is kept in the Gazi Husrev-bey Library in Sarajevo. Some difficulties in solving the linguistic characteristics in the Turkish text, (which was written in Arabic script), particularly those which deal with phonetic- phonological issues, resulted in almost impossible position to point out all the characteristic which linguistic analysis mean. Therefore, the words on these pages should not be considered as conclusion but rather re- marks instead of conclusion. One reason which leads me to present this work, that consists out of only a few pages, is in fact that the whole work has the characteristics of the environment from where it originated. The most obvious charac- teristic is that - the work is in Bosnian language, which has been trans- lated from the preceding Turkish text. Local characteristics could be clearly seen in Turkish text as well. That is reflected in a specific graphic representation, in same phonetic changes, and even more in syntaxical and one part of the lexical characteristics. These characteristics, in fact, gave an importance to this text as a written evidence which proves that the Turkish language was studied in Bosnia.
Linguistic (and graphic) characteristics, which have been noticed in this text, were compared with another, already known Turkish language in Bosnia. This comparison has shown that the examined text possesses much more specific characteristic of Turkish language which we call Bosnian-Turkish.
Sometimes the selection of one work from a collection of many can lead us to completely different unexpected ways and uncover to us some- thing from the bygone times. When we face such a situation, it reminds us once again about worthiness of written word. It was left to us just to read it. And inside it to find sign of past times, about ourselves.