Liberizam kao obilježije književnosti u Biseru
Perhaps the owner of the Behar Ademaga Mešić was not even aware what he did when he fired the nominal editor of Behar Šemsibeg Salihović and the real editor Musa Ćazim Ćatić. This act would gain in importance somewhat later on. The entrepreneurial and agile Muhamed Bekir Kalajdžić went as far as to Tešanj in order to bring to Mostar Musa Ćazim Ćatić as the new editor for Biser. Ćatić had already proved himself as the editor of Behar. During the period of one and a half years as the editor of Biser, Ćatić would do more than he had ever done in his entire creative period.
He also created something new in our parts that can be understood as, with some reservations, the so-called Circle of Musa Ćazim Ćatić. He was also the link between the older generation of authors such as Edhem Mulabdić and Safvet-beg Bašagić and the new, emerging generation with Hamza Humo as its leader. Musa Ćazim Ćatić as a peculiar person of his times and his poetical expression would foster the lyrical features of our type in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This lyrical type leaned on Matoš. It also gave birth to one of our greatest poets Skender Kulenović, who did not hide that he had been inspired on the Biser source. The lyrical features as one of the main characteristic of Biser would be particularly visible in the poetical collection Ocvale primule /The Shed Primroses Blossoms/.
Tin Ujević would point out the lyrical style of Musa Ćazim Ćatić. In addition to the lyrical poets from the Biser Circle, such as Hifzi Bjelevac, Hamza Humo, Fadil Kurtagić and others, several poetesses would also emerge. The most renowned among them were Nafija Sarajlić, Šefika Nesterin Bjelevac and others. Nevertheless, the lyrical qualities of Musa Ćazim Ćatić's type and circle would reach its culmination in the person and work of Hamza Humo.