From Drnišlija's Anthology of bosnian memorials (1672-1719)


  • Alija Bejtić, dr.


In the library of the scientific institution Turk Tarih Kurumu in Ankara there is a valuable anthology of Turkish documents about Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 17 th and 18 th century. There was a widely held opinion that this anthology had been a protocol of the court in Sarajevo. On the basis of the photocopies of the anthology from the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina the author of the article concludes that the mentioned anthology hasn't been any "Sidžil", (court record) but a private anthology (authograph) of documents, notes and unit memorials that were sent, from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Porte and Bosnian regents. The collector and the scriptor of the anthology was a professor ("muderris") Abdullah Drnišlija. He was graduated from Musilei Sahn in Istanbul and later he worked in Sarajevo. He lived there in the last decades of the 17 th century, and the beginning of the 18 th century. After the year 1719 there is no mention about him. The author has already published his findings twice. Beside purely political acts Drnišlija's anthology also contains his notes. They include marginal notes about the reported texts of public acts, chronical notes, signatures of the educated, people, the catalogue of Ottoman sultans, the catalogue of Sheik - el. Islam. Revien of world's sights and other notes.

The author presents in the article the Serbo-Croatian translation of the Drnis­lija's notes which are important for the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina: historical, marginal notes, chronical notes, signatures and sentences of the educated people and the Catalogue of Bosnian "beglerbegs". They reveal to us many unknovn facts and the most important of these facts are the ones about the origin and the serving time in Bosnia of the "beglerbegs" (contained in their signature).



How to Cite

Bejtić, A. (1976). From Drnišlija’s Anthology of bosnian memorials (1672-1719). Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 3(4), 177–186. Retrieved from


