Vakufs and vakifs in Hercegovina


  • Hivzija Hasandedić, dr.


Many vakufs were established in Hercegovina during the periods of Turkish and Austrian rule, but it is impossible to determine thier correct number because the vakufnamas have been destroyed or have disappeared. They were mostly evladijet-vakufs, i. e. family vakufs, the incomes of which were only partly spent on proper vakuf business, while the rest was divided among the descendants of the vakif.
The establishment of vakuf in Hercegovina started immediatery after the Turks conquered it. The Turks brought not only a new social system but also the new religion Islam. Therefore in all places the conquered, began the building of various Islamic monuments, etc. The construction of these buildings necessiated the founding of vakufs whose funds supported their maintenance. The vakufs of Hercegovina are described according to the administrative districts of the present day. The founders of these vakufs were from various classes of the society of that time varying from small craftsmen and merchants to high State officials. It is necessary to mention here that all the vakufs of Hercegovina with the exception of the mosques have been usurped, expropriated, nationalised and destroyed.

At Mostar, the principal and largest town in Hercegovina more than 150 vakufs were established. The greatest vakifs of Mostar were: Mehmed-beg Karađoz, Nesuh-aga Vučjaković, Ćejvan Ćehaja, Mehmed-paša Ksokija, Derviš-paša Bajezidagić, Ibrahim-aga Šarić and hadži- Ahmed Lakišić. At Stolac more than 50 vakufs were established among which the richest were: Ismail-kapetan Šarić, Hadži Alija Hadžisalihović and Ali-paša Rizvanbegović. The great vakifs are also: hadži Ali-aga son of Musa-aga from Počitelj, Mustaf-aga Ljubinac (Kizlar-aga) from Ljubinje, Defterdar Husein ef. from Ubosko (Municipality Ljubinje), Ali Ćafi ef. from Nevesinje, Mehmed spahija Zvizdić from Gacko, Osman paša Kazanac from Kazanci, Hasan-paša Predojević from Bileća and Osman-paša Resulbegović from Trebinje.



How to Cite

Hasandedić, H. (1983). Vakufs and vakifs in Hercegovina. Anali Gazi Husrev-Begove Biblioteke, 6(9-10), 29–74. Retrieved from


