Dvije poeme na osmanskom jeziku o opisu Jakub - pašine odbrane Sarajeva i pobjede na Krbavskom polju 1493. godine
Ključne riječi:
Turska književnost, bošnjačka književnost,, Jakub-pašaSažetak
This work provides some parts of poeticized Ottoman chronicles from the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th centuries. These refer to the battles of Jakub-paša Bošnjak. Ibn Kemal describes Jakub-paša as a strong and ruthless warrior while Hadidi points out to the role of Jakub- paša in the defense of Sarajevo but all chronicles record the great victory of Jakub-paša on the Krbavsko battlefield in 1493. The description of the battle are known in Ottoman literature. This work points out that historical (in the form of chronicles) as well as epic poetry (based on the oral traditi- on) was written in Ottoman.
Two types of approaches (historical and epical) are used in the des- cription of events. It is possible to distinguish this by some linguistic forms (narration as well as grammatical forms) although in some poems, there is a combination of both approaches. Also interesting is Jakub-paša’s kasida fahrija (self-congratulations) which he composed in 1493, after he won the battle at Krbavsko. Jakub-paša is known in Sarajevo as someone who left behind a masjid near Alifakovac (a part of Sarajevo).